Zio Ziegler
Zio Ziegler is a San Francisco Bay Area artist who is influenced by Eastern philosophy, French modernism,
Egyptology, Xavier Veilhan, Auguste Rodin, Thomas Houseago, Eddy Martinez and
Georges Braque. He says that painting is an, “attempt at self-understanding. I
create an experience for the viewer that parallels my own search in creation.
This process, my examination, is a constant balance between reason and
intuition. I make in order to understand, rather to explain what has been made.”
Zio does a lot of outdoor instillations in the form of a
mural. Ziegler “draws with his paintbrush rather than paints
with it.” I am inspired by some of the figures that he makes that look like
they are human. He often shows movement and motion through the figures that he
draws. His use of color is also something that I would like to try; he uses a
lot of color and he doesn’t necassiraly pick colors that look good together.
When you step back from the painting, the use of color still has a cohesive
I feel a connection to him because he grew up in Mill Valley,
which is where I live and attending the same middle school. I have seen Mill
Valley slowly be decorated by Zio’s art. Zio came and talked to Marin Country
Day School and did a mural on one of the campus walls. When I asked him how he
developed a style that ended up being large and epic, he answered that he just
started small. He started by working on small designs and eventually he built
up his technique and style to what it is now.
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